T.C. Mİllî Eğİtİm BakanlIğI
BİNGÖL / MERKEZ - Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi Vakfı Bingöl Fen Lisesi

"Digital Detox School "adlı e-twinning projemiz başladı (2022-2023)

"Digital Detox School "adlı e-twinning projemiz başladı









Digital Detox Schools

14 öğrencimizle katıldığımız projemiz öğrencilerin akıllı telefon kullanım oranlarını azaltırken, dijital dünyanın yararları olduğu kadar zararları olduğuna dikkat çekerek öğrencilerin zamanlarının kontrollerini yeniden ele geçirmesini sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır.

Türkiye’nin farklı şehirlerinden 8 Fen Lisesiyle birlikte yürüttüğümüz projemizde bizimle çalışacak ülkeler; Romanya, Hırvatistan, İtalya, Almanya, Polonya, Kuzey Makedonya, Letonya. Projemizde 23 lise okulu işbirliği içinde çalışmaktadır.


Projenin hedefleri;

·         Katılımcıların akıllı telefon bağımlılığını azaltmak

·         Dijital Okuryazarlık hakkında farkındalık kazandırmak

·         Sosyal aidiyet duygusunu ve çeşitliliğe saygıyı arttırmak

·         Yabancı dil ve iletişim becerilerini geliştirmek

·         Dijital becerileri geliştirmek

·         Çevreye duyarlı etkinlikler gerçekleştirmek

Dream of a school where students leave their smartphones and do sports, play games, organize tournaments and do debate competitions together. It is not impossible. As European high schools, we will come together and make this dream come true. We will build digital detox schools where students will use the digital world not only successfully, effectively but also at the exact time when they really need it without being addicted to their smartphones. They will not waste much of their time their noses buried in their smartphones, they will get the control and will learn to navigate this digital world. We need to take action because we are aware of the danger at schools. We know our students are losing their time control, so they are tired, anxious, always in a hurry, and always falling behind on their plans. This project aims to raise awareness about bad effects of smartphones and try to reconnect our students to the world where they prefer face to face communication, where they can slow down and take a deep breath, where they move, walk, run or jump. We know that if we engage our students in enjoyable and interesting tasks at school, if we can get them out in nature, they can be kept away from their smartphones and social media. Only in this way, they will notice more in their immediate surroundings, their environment and have better social interactions with each other.


1. Decreasing the number of smartphone addicts, social media addicts: The surveys, online meetings and activities like D-Days (Digital Detox Day), Digital Detox challenges and debate competitions will help us decrease their smartphone usage while different kinds of tournaments, outdoor activities we organize throughout the project will make them see that there are plenty of activities in which they can have fun together. Moreover, with different kinds of online tasks such as creating a logo, making a poster, preparing survey questions etc we will raise their consciousness on the issue.

2. Fostering digital literacy: At the very beginning, students will be informed about plagiarism, and how to use quotes, citations and references in their works.

Our project activities will also raise awareness about digital distractions while studying or doing a task online and help them how to manage them.

3. Developing better social interactions and developing the sense of unity: Leaving smart phones behind and participating into group works, games, outdoor activities will strengthen their bonds of friendship not only with their schoolmates but also with the students from other cities and countries.

4. Developing language and communication skills: the activities will be done in English, so this will improve our students' foreign language skills. Debate competitions some of which can be carried out in the participants mother tongue will also develop their communication skills in general. Webinars and virtual meetings of students also will serve the same purpose.

5. Encouraging digital skills: Students will improve their digital skills by using different kinds of apps such as Youtube, Canva, Padlet, Bookcreator, Avatoon, Bitmoji, Googleforms, Wordwall etc. Moreover; there will be regular online meetings.

6. Developing environmentally responsible behaviour: A day out in Nature activities will take students' attention to environmental issues. They will think about what to do to keep their environment clean and also green.

7. Developing inclusion: In the project, tasks will generally be done in groups, so the students will get to know each other more. This will support the feeling of inclusion in some disadvantaged students. All the activities will be accessable for all students at the schools, so any students who is volunteer can join in our activities.

Our partners are from Turkey ( only Science High Schools) , Germany, Romania, Greece, Poland, Latvia, Italy, Croatia and North Macedonia.


















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Yayın: 16.06.2023 - Güncelleme: 07.02.2024 18:07 - Görüntülenme: 383
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